Cebu Seeks Investors in 240-hectare South Road Properties (Sept 2006)

Cebu City (27 September) -- Sites for recreational park and retirement villages could be an ideal project in the 240-hectare South Road Properties (SRP), said Cebu City planning and development officer (CPDO) Nigel Paul Villarete....
But the city government, however, has not been able to close a deal yet with an investor who may be interested to buy or lease a portion of the SRP to put up retirement facilities, and the city also lacks a feasibility study on the viability of converting Pond A into a marine park, Villarete said.

Mayor Osmeña said he did not favor the established of a marina park at the SRP because this venture offered few jobs and added that he has already turned down a business proposal for a marina park. Instead he wants the SRP to cater to industries that would provide more jobs for Cebuanos.

Villarete said he believes a marina park in Pond A was feasible but that it would need the approval of Mayor Tomas Osmeña. “It is always feasible but whether or not it is desirable or it is the right option is another consideration. Our main consideration is whether or not it is investment-driven,” Villarete said.

Five Cebu City officials who recently traveled to the United Sates have asked the CPDO to study the feasibility of having retirement villages in the city.

In a travel report submitted to the council, the group led by Vice Mayor Michael Rama also wanted a study made the possibility of putting up a marina park in Pond A similar to one they saw in Nevada, USA.

The report said that the Nevada Marina Park was a favorite destination because it offered recreational fishing, man-made beaches and picnic areas.

Villarete, who has not seen a copy of the travel report yet, said he was willing to study the proposal and added that Mayor Osmeña sent out invitations to Japanese businessmen who may be interested to put up retirement villages at the SRP during a trip to Japan two years ago.

“The city has long planned to have a retirement village but we need investors to do that. The city can’t compete with the private sector and initiate that,” Villarete said.

The mayor, he said, is especially interested in having a Japanese and Korean retirement village at the SRP since they dominate tourists arrival in the country now.

“I’ve also had many inquiries on the matter but I don’t know if there have been negotiations. That is already the task of the Cebu Investment and Promotions Center (CIPC),” Villarete said.

He said there was a need to determine if converting Pond A into a Marina Park would help local tourism and blend with the use of neighboring properties.

The environmental impact if operating a Marina Park also has to be considered, he said.

The 2-meter to 2.5-meter deep Pond A May also be used for fish propagation, aqua culture, water sports, a runway for water planes and other tourism related uses. (PIA/gfg)

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